Just Toddling Along

Those short years between baby and pre-school are packed with learning and development for your child, and you can be sure that even when they seem to be simply toddling about, observing the world, they are storing up new information and skills for just when they need them.

To support this exciting period in your child’s life in our toddler room it’s all about experimenting. With your child’s personality starting to really shine through, they are ready to start to understand how they fit into the world around them. Interacting with their adult carers and their fellow-toddlers, it’s all about having fun, forming friendships and beginning to develop interests that will make them life-long learners. Excite your child’s curiosity now and make the world their oyster!

Potty training

We’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt…many times over! There’s no rush to potty train; when your child is ready, we’ll work with you to get it sorted.

The Terrible Twos

As your child enters toddlerdom, they seek to make sense of the world around them and their place in it. Some little ones simply roll with it; others are fighters all the way and reject outright any notion that they are not the controllers of their own destiny! It’s all perfectly natural and while to a great extent any child’s behaviour is influenced by their surroundings, genetics play a huge part and we simply have to recognise the type of child we have and learn to work with them to bring them through this most frustrating time of their lives – for them and for us!
We have had every type of child through our doors, from dreamy angel to feisty fighter, and we know exactly how to manage them through every part of their day to ensure that they take the most from it. Social skills start now, and we can help you get them to a place where you’ll be proud.

Meal Times

Meal times are always fun at Kids Count. If your child stays for a full day, we will provide two freshly cooked hot meals for them every day. Meals vary according to the season and weather, but will include a hot cooked lunch and a dessert of fruit or yoghurt, which is healthily balanced and nutritionally appropriate. You’ve no need to worry about fussy eaters either – we never tire of watching parents’ faces when they learn of what was wolfed down at lunchtime today, often foods that their child won’t touch at home!

Snack time! We have yet to meet a child who didn’t love a snack, and here at Kids Count snack time is more than a quick pit stop to re-fuel. Learning about nutrition and healthy eating starts now – and habits formed in their early years will provide life-long support. At snack time your child will be offered healthy choices, whether this be cheese and crackers, dips and veggie sticks or cereal and milk, there is something for everyone.


To provide parents and carers with the ultimate in two way communication, we have teamed up with Tapestry online learning journeys. This marvellous piece of technology allows us to share information between the parents and their child’s key worker for the benefit of each child in our care. We use the app to:

  • Collect observations of each child and upload these to the shared portal
  • Assess development in line with the EYFS Framework
  • Create a personalised album of each child’s experiences
  • Evaluate children and track progress over time
  • Receive postcards of each child’s at-home learning experiences, provided by parents uploading to the shared portal.

It’s so simple to use; you simply log on using your Smartphone or PC (at home or work!) and we keep you updated with your child’s adventures every day – from playing with jelly to having a snooze. Using Tapestry you and your child can work with their assigned key worker to travel as a team through the joys, trials, tribulations and celebrations on their path to becoming a three year old.

Call us now on 01606 74100 to discuss how we can support you and your child through their early years.

Kids Count Day Nursery
Riddings Lane

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