before and after school faqs

Holiday Club FAQ

What are your sessions times in holiday club?

Children booking in for a full-day session will be accepted at
8.00am and should be collected by 6.00pm.
We also offer a short day session that commences 8.30am-3.30pm.

What happens if the weather is bad on a day there is a trip planned?

All activities are provisional and may be subject to change according to the children’s interests and the weather on the day.

How do we pay for the sessions in holiday club?

Fees are payable on booking and are non refundable and non amendable. Payment is due within seven days of receiving the invoice – failure to pay within this timeframe will mean that any sessions will be cancelled. We accept childcare vouchers, electronic transfers, cash and card payments. Details for voucher payments and bank transfers can be found on our parent’s page. If you are paying by card it can be processed in the main office or over the phone.

What happens if my child is ill at your holiday club setting?

Should a child become ill at club, parents will be expected to make arrangements for collecting the child as soon as possible. Any child suffering from an infectious disease, doubtful rash, sore throat, discharge from the eyes or ears, conjunctivitis, severe thrush, sickness or diarrhoea must not attend club . The setting must be informed if your child is to be absent, by telephone on the first day of their absence.

What is the cancellation period for holiday club sessions?

Once a session is booked, the session will be charged for and cannot be cancelled, except in extreme circumstances and at the manager’s discretion.

What clothes do children need for holiday club?

Please get in touch for the holiday club programme – we will also post on our Facebook page. Please provide suitable clothing for any particular activity. For e.g. wellies and warm clothing for a winter walk in the forest, or festival wear for BigKidsFest. All clothing should be marked with the child’s name. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for extra information for specific days, including any clothing recommendations. The Club accepts no responsibility for lost clothing.

Can we swap sessions in the holiday club?

Holiday Club sessions are not amendable except in extreme circumstances. Any swaps are at the discretion of the manager and can only be swapped within the same week. This will also be dependent on

What food and drink do you provide at holiday club?

We provide morning and afternoon snack and ask parents to provide a packed lunch for their child. The only items we ask parents not to include in their lunch box are fizzy/energy drinks and products with nuts. We provide water and juice throughout the day and it can be easily accessed by children when they need a drink.

Do we need to provide anything for our children in holiday club?

We ask parents to bring a packed lunch and any snacks children may want. We encourage parents to bring any appropriate clothing children may need for that particular activity or even a change of clothes. Sun cream (if you have not signed to say that you will be using and charged for ours) must be provided during warmer months as we will not allow the children out in hot periods with no protection.

Can my child bring his Nintendo DS/electronic device?

Children may bring their own toys, ipads, game consoles or any other resources, however we will not accept responsibility for any damage that occurs at club. If the equipment has a camera children are allowed to bring it, however we ask them to sit in a designated area to ensure no photographs are taken. We do not allow mobile phones at or in club. If a child brings a mobile phone to club it will be stored in the office until home time.

What happens when you go out on trips?

We complete risk assessments for the venue and vehicles we use. We will contact you if there any special requirements on trip days, such as specific clothing, or certain times we need your child to be there. On trip days we have supernumerary staff to ensure that children are supervised at all times.

Before and After-school FAQs

How do we pay for the sessions in term time?

Fees are payable monthly in advance. We invoice on the 1st of every month and we ask parents to pay by the 7th of that month. If payment is not received by the 7th a charge of £5.00 will be added for any balances under £100. For balances over £100 a charge of £20.00 will be added to the account. We accept childcare vouchers, electronic transfers, cash and card payments. Details for voucher payments and bank transfers can be found on our parent’s page. If you are paying by card it can be processed in the main office or over the phone.

What are your sessions in term time?

We offer a before school club and this commences at 8.00am until 9.00am. The children get ready for school at 8.45am and once ready we take them to school. The after-school club commences at 3.15pm until 6.00pm. If you need any sessions before 8.00am or after 6.00pm please contact us as we can cater for early and late sessions.

What happens if my child is ill at your setting?

The setting must be informed if your child is to be absent, by telephone on the first day of their absence. This is to enable us to mark your child off our register and know they are safe, specifically at 3.15pm pick up time.
Should a child become ill at club, parents will be expected to make arrangements for collecting the child as soon as possible. Any child suffering from an infectious disease, doubtful rash, sore throat, discharge from the eyes or ears, conjunctivitis, severe thrush, sickness or diarrhoea must not attend club .

What is the cancellation period for before or after-school sessions?

The cancellation period for pre-booked sessions is four weeks notice. If we do not receive four weeks notice the sessions will still be charged for. This is the policy for both non permanent and permanent sessions. Any swaps will be at the discretion of the manager.

What food and drink do you provide at before and after-school club?

Water and juice is provided in accessible kegs throughout all sessions. We provide an afternoon snack that is served straight after school. We have various savoury snacks and one sweet snack a week. The snack is chosen by the children (with input from staff!), and is served daily with fresh fruit and vegetables. It is only a snack and is not intended to be a full evening meal.

Can my child bring his Nintendo DS/electronic device?

Children may bring their own ipads, game consoles or any other resources, however we will not accept responsibility for any damage that occurs at club. If the equipment has a camera children are allowed to bring it, however we ask them to sit in a designated area to ensure no photographs are taken. We do not allow mobile phones at or in club. If a child brings a mobile phone to club it will be stored in the office until home time.

Are all year groups together at before and after-school club?

No. Reception and Year 1  children have snack and planned activities in a separate building. This is to ensure the children can access all areas of play, and learning confidently. There may be times we join the group together, such as when we have lovely weather and want to enjoy running around on the field, but this is risk assessed on the day.